The Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, said she was heartened by a new proposal to fund services to help reduce violence against women and children.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten today announced a Labor Government will provide funding certainty to the organisations delivering the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.
Ms King said Labor’s commitment of $65 million over six years will ensure 1800 RESPECT, Our WATCh and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) can continue their critical work.
“These three organisations play a critical role critical by providing frontline support services to women experiencing family violence,” Ms King said.
“In Australia today, one in three women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15. Even worse, a woman dies at the hands of a current or former partner almost every week,” Ms King said.
“Unfortunately, Ballarat is not immune to family violence,” she said.
Today’s funding announcement locks in support for the three organisations to 2021-22, giving them certainty for the life of the National Plan.
“A Shorten Labor Government will ensure that the funding goes directly to frontline services providers, meaning victims of abuse can speak directly to qualified professionals in the shortest possible time,” Ms King said.
Today’s announcement builds on Labor’s earlier commitment to deliver more than $70 million over three years in targeted funding to ensure those suffering from family violence can access critical services as well as making domestic violence leave a universal right.
“If elected, Labor will work alongside these organisations to ensure women and children in Ballarat and across the nation are free to live safe from violence,” Ms King said.
Authorised by G. Wright, Australian Labor Party, 5/9 Sydney Ave, Barton, ACT 2600