The Abbott Government backflip on its cuts to the Automotive Transformation Scheme (ATS) has done anything but end the uncertainty surrounding the automotive sector, Federal Member for Ballarat Catherine King said today.
“When Tony Abbott was elected he threw the Australian Car industry into chaos by announcing a $900 million cut to the ATS. Yesterday they announced that funding would be restored.
“However, in less than a day, that funding appears to have shrunk to $100m, creating even further confusion.”
The ATS is a legislated co-investment scheme intended to increase investment in Australian automotive R&D and innovation.
“These changes affect the entire supply chain. There are tens of thousands of jobs supplying car components across Australia, many of them spread out across regional area, including jobs in Ballarat.” Ms King said.
“As motor vehicle production slows ATS funding should be used to assist auto component suppliers transition into new business sectors and retrain workers.
“This announcement has nothing to do with saving Australian jobs or supporting Australian manufacturing – It has everything to do with saving Tony Abbott’s job.
“Minister Macfarlane needs to stop the political stunts, and get to work eliminating the chaos surrounding automotive funding. Australian workers deserve better.”