Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King today announced that Coghills Creek Progress Association will receive $3,200 from the Anzac Centenary Grants Program to restore the community First World War Honour Board.
“The Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program supports projects that commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women in the First World War,” Ms King said.
“This grant will support the restoration of the Coghills Creek Primary School First World War Honour Board, which will be displayed in the community hall.
“The progress association will also conduct research and publish a book telling the stories of those from the local community that were lost in the war.
“Our region has a number of small towns that were greatly affected by the war effort due to the large number of local enlistments and the many that never returned after making the ultimate sacrifice.
“I’d like to acknowledge the work of some 50 community volunteers who are members of the Coghills Creek Progress Association and their commitment to this important project.
“Thanks also to the members of local Anzac Centenary Grants committee for their expert advice and assessment of applications for funding from the program.”
The program received applications to support up to $125,000 of local projects in the Federal Electorate of Ballarat that commemorate the First World War.
For further information go to http://www.anzaccentenary.gov.au/grants/index.htm or contact Ms King’s office at 5 Lydiard St North, Ballarat, Ph: 5338 8123.