Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King today visited the new Science and Engineering Building at the University of Ballarat’s Mt Helen Campus.
Ms King said the University now had a world-class regional learning, teaching and research facility attracting the best and brightest to study in our region.
“This impressive state-of-the-art precinct brings together under one roof the School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering, and the School of Health Sciences,” Ms King said.
“Disciplines of mining, engineering, chemistry, biomedical and environmental sciences offered here are crucial to Australia’s future productivity and prosperity.
“These disciplines have their challenges, particularly as we face skills shortages in the workforce but they also provide opportunities – attracting the best and brightest to our region to fill those shortages.
“I commend the University for its initiative to stay ahead of the challenges, identifying new opportunities, new technologies, new industries and new jobs.”
The former Federal Labor Government provided $39.9 million for the precinct from the Education Investment Fund.
“Labor in government oversaw increased funding, increased enrolments and major infrastructure investment at the University of Ballarat, reinforcing its reputation as one of Australia’s leading regional universities,” Ms King said.
“Unlike our conservative opponents we believe investment in education is vital to our country’s future.”