A dance group from Myrniong Primary is the first in Ballarat and region to secure a grant of $3000 as part of the Federal Government’s new Creative Young Stars program.
The funding will be used by the school to enable its team in the Wakakirri Challenge – Story Dance competition to pay for registration and associated fees, transport and equipment for rehearsals and to create props and costumes.
Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, today announced the grant was one of 12 secured across the region under the new program. The other 11 were grants to individuals.
“The Creative Young Stars program provides individual grants of $500 and group grants of $3000 to assist students and young people participate in creative, cultural, academic and community based activities, events or training,” Ms King said.
“In the case of Myrniong Primary it is fantastic that it is the first in our region to receive a $3000 grant.
“I know it places a real emphasis on creative arts like many of the schools across our region and it is great that the kids involved can benefit from the Government’s new program.
“This is a great demonstration of how important this program can be for our young artists and I appeal to others to apply when future opportunities arise.
“Our community is full of young people like these at Myrniong Primary with many great talents. The exceptional contribution they make to our community and beyond will only increase with the chance to develop those talents further and receive the recognition to which they are entitled.”
The Creative Young Stars grants help young people to participate in events such as competitions, eisteddfods, public speaking tournaments and other cultural, artistic or academic events.
“We want these gifted young people to feel supported, and to have their talent and hard work recognised so their confidence and creativity develops,” Ms King said.
“These grants do this but also support our young people in a practical way to make achieving their dream a little easier.”
Other individual recipients of $500 grants in Ballarat and region are: Thurstin Lakerink, William (Ryan ) Lowe, Sam Brown, Molly Netherway, Imogen Dale, Hana Zreikat, Giarn Carroll, Ellie Carroll, Alison McLaren and two others who elected to remain anonymous.
The $8 million Creative Young Stars program was announced on 13 March 2013 in Creative Australia, the Australian Government’s national cultural policy.
The next funding round of Creative Young Stars will take place in 2014.
For more information on the Creative Young Stars program visit: