Today in Question Time in the House of Representatives, I asked the Deputy Prime Minister:
Can the Prime Minister confirm evidence at Senate Estimates that his Government spent $190,000 on a plan to ‘develop empathy’ on the Inland Rail project.
Why is the Prime Minister spending taxpayer money on funded empathy while drought-stricken farm families are being thrown off the Farm Household Allowance?
True to form, Scott Morrison refused to answer and flicked it to his Deputy.
Michael McCormack displayed no empathy to farmers kicked off the Farm Household Allowance.
The Deputy Prime Minister also displayed no empathy to families concerned about the Inland Rail project.
Evidence at Senate Estimates last night confirmed the Department of Infrastructure spent $190,000 on a social licence strategy to assist the Australian Rail Track Corporation ‘develop empathy’ in its consultations with affected communities along the route.
Instead of funded empathy, Michael McCormack should stop throwing drought-affected farmers off the Farm Household Allowance and start supporting regional Australians.