Federal member for Ballarat, Catherine King has today called for local applications to the Regional Growth Fund.
This $272 million Regional Growth Fund will provide grants of $10 million or more for major transformational projects which support long-term economic growth and create jobs in regions undergoing structural adjustment.
Projects must have a minimum project cost of $20m with proponents required to contribute at least 50%.
Applications will be through a two-step process requiring proponents to submit an application for funding before being invited to progress to the second round where applicants will be required to submit a formal business case for their project.
Councils, business and other organisations are invited to contact the office of Catherine King on (03) 5338 8123 or email catherine.king.mp@aph.gov.au to find out more information. Information can also be found at http://regional.gov.au/regional/programs/regional-growth-fund.aspx.
Applications close on 27 April 2018.
7 MARCH 2018