The Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, has welcomed over $11,000 of grants for community organisations in Moorabool Shire.
Ms King used an interview on Bacchus Marsh radio station Apple FM to announce three local groups would receive funds from the Volunteer Grants Program.
“I’m delighted that three great local organisations in Moorabool will share in the $20 million Volunteer Grants Program,” Ms King said.
“These grants recognise the valuable roles volunteers play,” she said.
“Volunteering has a strong presence throughout the Moorabool Shire, whether it be helping out with local sporting teams and land care groups, responding to natural disasters and emergencies, or helping local charities support some of our most disadvantaged people,” Ms King said.
“I’m really pleased that Bacchus Marsh Community Radio Group Inc (Apple FM) will receive $4,300 to help them continue providing a great radio service for Bacchus Marsh and district,” she said.
“In addition, Friends of Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee Inc will receive $2,160 for power tools and equipment and Lady Northcote Association will receive $5,000 for computer equipment, reimbursement of fuel costs and first aid safety,” Ms King said.
The total of the grants awarded in Moorabool Shire is $11,460.
Authorised by G. Wright, Australian Labor Party, 5/9 Sydney Ave, Barton, ACT 2600