Labor warmly congratulates Victorian High Country GP Dr Jeff Robinson, the 2015 Rural Doctors Association of Australia Rural Doctor of the Year.
Dr Robinson’s award highlights the crucial role played by GPs in rural areas, recognising both his 17 years of service in the Victorian Alps through his medical care, and his wider commitment to the local community.
Dr Robinson is a partner in both the Mount Beauty and Falls Creek Medical Centres, Director of Medical Services at Alpine Health, Chairman of the area’s Medical Consultative Committee and Senior Medical Officer at Albury Base Hospital Emergency Department.
He plays a crucial role in improve the quality of health care throughout the region, teaching local specialists, GPs and nurses and has led the successful recruitment of new doctors to the region.
Additionally, Dr Robinson is involved with the Falls Creek Ski Patrol and is an active member and Training Officer of his local branch of the Country Fire Authority.
Labor understands the need to support our General Practitioners as the frontline of efforts to boost the health of our communities and Dr Robinson’s award is a reminder of the magnificent service provided by dedicated GPs in communities across the nation.
Our local health professionals do an outstanding job and Dr Robinson’s award as RDAA Rural Doctor of the Year is well deserved recognition for his tireless work to improve the lives of people within our community.