The Abbott Government has been forced to admit it botched the "My Aged Care" system, following complaints from GPs, aged care providers and the public.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners wrote to the Government last week, labelling the new system unsafe, clunky and time consuming, leading to an admission of its failure.
The Abbott Government’s failures have left older Australians languishing without vital aged care services due to the shambolic implementation of My Aged Care.
The system has been plagued with long delays, inaccurate and often incorrect information and inadequate referral systems.
The Abbott Government has not resourced the system appropriately, nor consulted the key users of the system – GPs and aged care providers.
There is a clear disconnect between ageing and health issues since the Abbott Government ripped the $15 billion a year portfolio out of Health and dumped it on an Assistant Minister for Social Services.
The aged care gateway was supposed to provide a single entry point to aged care services in Australia, and was a key element of Labor’s Living Longer Living Better aged care reforms.
Two years of Tony Abbott’s leadership failures have undermined those reforms.