p>The Liberal Party, the National Party and the Greens Party have all voted to cut the pension.
Because of the Liberal/Greens deal 7,200 part-pensioners in Ballarat are now at risk of losing all or part of their pension.
The Liberal Party, the National Party and the Greens Party have all voted to cut the pension.
Because of the Liberal/Greens deal 7,200 part-pensioners in Ballarat are now at risk of losing all or part of their pension.
Over the next ten years, around half of all new retirees will be affected – those in their 50s and 60s today who are working hard so they don’t retire poor.
Some singles will lose $8,000. Some couples will lose $14,000.
Many of these pensioners are on super incomes of as low as $15,000.
First Tony Abbott tried to cut pension indexation for everyone – cuts he has spent the last year defending as ‘fair and reasonable’.
This would have left pensioners as much as $80 a week worse off within a decade.
Now the Greens have joined Tony Abbott’s betrayal.
As the local member for Ballarat I will continue to stand up for local pensioners.
Because it is clear that Tony Abbott still has more in store – he still wants to raise the pension age to 70.
It is now absolutely clear that there is only one party that will stand up for pensioners: the Labor Party.
Only Labor will protect the pension, and only Labor will fight for pensioners.