Labor rejects Tony Abbott’s attempt to destroy Medicare through his back door GP Tax and will seek to disallow his sneaky changes in the Senate.
Tony Abbott has never believed in Medicare. Tony Abbott believes Australians should pay a tax every time they visit the doctor.
Having failed to win support in the Senate for his GP Tax through legislation, Tony Abbott is now seeking to destroy Medicare via the back door.
By slashing Medicare rebates, Tony Abbott is forcing doctors to hike fees and end bulk-billing.
Labor will always stand up for Medicare and Australian families and at the first opportunity we will seek to disallow:
– The cut in the Medicare rebate from $37.05 to $16.95 which comes into effect on January 19 for patients who see their GPs for 10 minutes or less.
– The $5 across the board Medicare rebate cut for non-concessional patients due to come into effect from July 1.
Not one cent of Tony Abbott’s cuts to health is being returned to Medicare.
Forcing the sick and vulnerable to pay every time they see a doctor is not reform.
Tony Abbott may have changed his Health Minister, but he hasn’t changed his GP Tax or his determination to end bulk billing and destroy Medicare.
It’s still a tax, it’s still a broken promise and it will only ever rise as long as Tony Abbott remains in power.
Labor believes Australians should get the health care they need, not just what they can afford.
Only Labor will protect Medicare.
Labor built Medicare we won’t let Tony Abbott destroy it.
Only Labor will protect ordinary Australian families from Tony Abbott’s attempt to wreck Medicare and push up health costs for people already under financial pressure.