p>Tony Abbott said his GP Tax was dead – but today, the GP Tax lives.
This isn’t a back down – this is a GP Tax through the backdoor. But make no mistake, it’s still a GP Tax and it’s still hitting the sick and families at their most vulnerable.
Tony Abbott said his GP Tax was dead – but today, the GP Tax lives.
He may have changed his talking points, but he hasn’t changed his tax.
Tony Abbott is doing exactly the same thing he did with the Petrol Tax – sneaking it around the Parliament, to push up cost of living pressures.
This isn’t a back down – this is a GP Tax through the backdoor. But make no mistake, it’s still a GP Tax and it’s still hitting the sick and families at their most vulnerable.
It’s still a tax, it’s still a broken promise and it will only ever rise as long as Tony Abbott is Prime Minister.
Tony Abbott’s GP Tax is the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to destroying Medicare and making healthcare unaffordable in this country.
Only Labor will protect Medicare.
We built it and we won’t let Tony Abbott destroy it.
Labor will protect Australian families from this Government’s dishonest attempts to push up basic living expenses for people already under financial pressure.
This is a Prime Minister under pressure, and it shows.
This is a desperate Prime Minister who will say and do anything to save his own skin.
Today was all about looking after Tony Abbott – it had nothing to do with looking after Australians.
He isn’t protecting Medicare – he’s just trying to protect himself.