The Qld LNP Government’s campaign to encourage patients to visit a GP, rather than a hospital emergency department, again highlights the stupidity of Tony Abbott’s GP Tax.
Qld LNP Health Minister Lawrence Springborg says he wants to reduce emergency department waiting lists by persuading patients with “minor ailments” to instead visit a GP.
At the same time, his coalition colleagues in Canberra want to introduce a new $7 tax on all GP visits which will turn thousands more patients away from GPs, and massively blow out hospital waiting lists.
“If Mr Springborg is serious about his campaign, his first target should be Tony Abbott,” Shadow Minister for Health Catherine King said today.
“Tony Abbott’s GP Tax will force pensioners, low income earners and others who can’t afford $7 for every visit to instead head to hospital emergency departments.
“As AMA Queensland President Dr Shaun Rudd has noted, the $7 GP Tax will only lead more people to go to emergency departments.
“If Minister Springborg thinks he has a problem with overcrowding now, it will be a drop in the ocean compared to what will occur in hospitals if Tony Abbott’s GP Tax is introduced.”
At the same time, Tony Abbott’s broken promise to leave health funding untouched will rip $10.3 billion out of Queensland hospitals over the next decade.
Member for Griffith, Terri Butler MP says the hospital cuts, GP tax and medicine price hikes will have a very serious impact on the health of South Side residents.
“Tony Abbott’s own budget documents show he has already ripped $39 million out the Queensland Metro South Hospital and Health Service,” Ms Butler said.
“Over the next decade our local area hospitals will lose a staggering $1.8 billion.
“At the same time the Abbott Government wants to hit South Side residents with a GP Tax and Medicine price hikes which will cost patients in Griffith alone $25.6 million over the next four years.”
Taxing sick Australians will only prevent them seeing a doctor, or drive them in to public hospital emergency departments.
Tony Abbott’s GP Tax is bad for patients, bad for health care, and especially bad for state hospital budgets.
The GP Tax must be axed now, for everyone, to ensure Medicare is for all Australians.