p>Tony Abbott cuts to hospitals will start hurting patients in just 43 days.
Tony Abbott cannot be believed when it comes to health.
Tony Abbott cuts to hospitals will start hurting patients in just 43 days.
Tony Abbott cannot be believed when it comes to health.
In a response to a question on Friday on why he has ripped $80 billion out of health and education Tony Abbott claimed ‘we always said pre-election that yes, we would honour the former government’s deals for the forward estimates’
This claim is as a fantasy. It is as true as his ‘promise’ before the last election that there would be no cuts to health or education.
The Abbott government’s own budget papers clearly demonstrate that the cuts to hospitals start this financial year and totally ignore an agreement that state and territory governments signed up to. These cuts hit in just 43 days.
There is a reason Premiers and Chief Ministers are holding an emergency meeting in Sydney today. They are meeting because Tony Abbott has broken his promise that there will be no cuts to health. Today’s meeting makes a mockery of the Prime Minister’s claim that existing agreements are being honoured. Premiers and Chief Ministers have to hold an emergency meeting because Tony Abbott lied to them, just like he lied to all Australians.
Tony Abbott’s broken promises will mean hospital wards will close, doctors and nurses will be sacked, and every Australian patient will be much worse off.
Tony Abbott might have lied to the Australian people but he cannot hide what his own budget papers show. His own budget papers show he plans to cut money from Australia’s hospitals in the first year he is able to.
Senior medical leaders have already warned that the changes proposed in Tony Abbott’s budget will put Australia’s health system back over 50 years.
In addition to not honouring the National Health Reform Agreement 2011 the Abbott government has also cut $368 million by abandoning the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health and another $201 million by breaking his promise and not honouring the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services.
Labor is fighting these changes and will not allow Medicare to become a victim of Tony Abbott’s growing list of broken promises.