This month 9,500 local families are receiving the first instalment of Labor’s SchoolKids Bonus to help them meet the cost of getting their children ready for the new school year but Tony Abbott wants this to be the last, and has introduced legislation to repeal the payment.
Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King said while parents will appreciate how helpful the Schoolkids Bonus has been they’ll be asking Tony Abbott why he wants to take it away.
“Parents work hard to meet the costs of their children’s education, ensuring they can get the best education possible, however, items such as school uniforms, shoes, textbooks, camps and excursions are expensive,” Ms King said.
“The Schoolkids Bonus helps families lighten the load with payments of $410 a year for each child in primary school, and $820 a year for each child in secondary school.
“At a time when family budgets can be tight, this is much needed relief for families as they get their children ready to go back to school.
“The parents of over 17,000 local students in primary and secondary school will be wondering why Tony Abbott wants to scrap assistance for low and middle income families struggling to meet the costs of their children’s education.
“This is another cruel cut from a government that doesn’t care about cost of living pressures for local families or our children’s education.”