p>Today every regional community in the country, including Ballarat and region, has learned that if elected, Tony Abbott and the Coalition will make savage cuts to regional Australia.
Major projects across our region now hang in the balance at the upcoming election, and the choice for regional Australia is clear. Under Mr Abbott and Mr Truss, every last cent of this funding will be on the chopping block.
Today every regional community in the country, including Ballarat and region, has learned that if elected, Tony Abbott and the Coalition will make savage cuts to regional Australia.
Major projects across our region now hang in the balance at the upcoming election, and the choice for regional Australia is clear. Under Mr Abbott and Mr Truss, every last cent of this funding will be on the chopping block.
Projects across our region on the chopping block include:
- $9.1 million for the Ballarat Freight Hub
- $7 million for the Bacchus Marsh Indoor Swimming Centre
- $1.25 million for the Multi-Purpose Centre at Victoria Park, Daylesford.
- $891,000 for the All Inclusive Playground at Victoria Park, Ballarat
- $379,314 for six projects identified as priorities for communities across Moorabool.
Nationals’ Leader Warren Truss’ poorly-named Fair Share Fund policy is in reality a plan to cut hundreds of already committed infrastructure projects for our regions.
We will honour all contracts that have been signed. If not, then they are just a Labor Party election promise.
Nationals Leader Warren Truss has also today confirmed he and his Liberal Party masters will rip more than $8 billion out of the Federal infrastructure budget.
Mr Truss has shown that he has no understanding of how the regional portfolio works. When he rules out all projects not currently under contract, he is effectively cutting 750 projects worth more than $2 billion out of regional Australia.
Federal Labor has prioritised regional Australia, investing nearly $16 billion in 11,000 projects. Two-thirds of our infrastructure budget has gone straight into regional Australia.
We know the Coalition will cut assistance for families, cut funding for schools and cut jobs. Now we know they will also cut investment in regional Australia.
Regional Australia can’t afford Mr Abbott’s cuts. They can’t afford having this critical investment ripped out of their communities. If Tony Abbott wins, regional Australia will lose.