Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, has backed Ballarat region businesses and jobs by voting for the passage of the Australian Jobs Bill through the House of Representatives.
The Australian Jobs Bill is designed to assist local businesses across the country win more work from major investment projects including from the mining and resources sector.
“Projects worth more than $500 million or more will be required to show how they will provide opportunities to local businesses. These changes will get more work into factories and construction sites and services industries will generate new jobs,” Ms King said.
“Too often we see Australian businesses being unable to access major projects because these projects simply import their existing international supply chains. Our changes mean projects worth more than $500 million need to give Australian businesses a fair go at winning work.
“This provides an opportunity for local businesses to firstly know more about these big projects and secondly to be able to access them.”
Analysis conducted by the Federal Industry and Innovation Department shows that changes enacted as a result of the Australian Jobs Bill could deliver Australian firms up to $6.4 billion of extra work every year.
The Bill has the strong support of Australian industry and unions with the overwhelming majority of submissions to a Senate inquiry into the legislation supporting its passage.
The Australian Jobs Bill forms part of the Gillard Labor Government’s $1 billion Plan for Australian Jobs. The plan was developed working hand-in-hand with industry and workers to address the challenges posed by a high Australian dollar.
The Plan builds on the strong support Labor has provided for manufacturing since coming to office. This includes the $1 billion in funding being provided to manufacturers to reduce energy costs and improve competitiveness.
“Labor is standing up for the 6651 people in Ballarat and region who rely on the manufacturing sector,” Ms King said.
“Unlike the Opposition, the Gillard Labor Government has real strategies and real policies to help generate business opportunities, create economic growth and boost jobs.
“All we see from the Opposition is ‘No’. They voted against this Bill and oppose support being provided to manufactures to reduce energy costs amongst other measures to help Australian industry.”